More Free Stock Photography
Free Stock Photography
Posted by Adam Hayes

More Free Stock Photography
I've found another place (besides stock exchange) where you can get some free stock photography (even though it normally isn't free). If you go to the weekly archive for, you can find a free image download every week. Although it isn't as robust as stock exchange, free is free, however you look at it.
Furthermore there are weekly "designs of the week". These will help keep all of you web/graphic/print/whatever designers with a constant flow of new "ouside-the-box" designs to keep your mind open to new things.
You will need to create a username (which is free). I haven't received any junk email from them yet, so I don't think they sell your information to the highest bidder (however, i do have a junk email account that I never check...hehehe).
Istockphoto normally charges between 1-6 dollars an image (depending on how many credits you purchase at a time). It has been amazing how much stock photography has come down in price. All of these people running around with a digital camera trying to make a buck. Making it so that stock photo companies have to give away free images to entice people to go to their site. Well I'll keep popping into every Monday to get a free image (even though I doubt I'll ever actually pay money for one of their images).
If you still can't get your stock photography fix, then I suggest you check out some others like Comstock and StuStock Photography.
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