The Web Design Success Blog
SEO Tips
PageRank is Dead. Long Live mozRank
PageRank replaced by mozRankPageRank is dead. Really. It's not coming back. Thankfully we have mozRank. PageRank is not Rankings I want to make sure that you don't think that PageRank is how well your page ranks for a given keyword set. PageRank was Google's original idea of how to give weight or a numerical value to...
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Free SEO Report - Review
Free SEO ReportA quick review of Shoemoney's "Free SEO Report". I've been a big Shoemoney follower for a long time, but when I read about his latest adventure I was suprised because I had already used the service - Free SEO Report, without knowing that he was behind it. Here is a quick review: The report contains...
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Most Useful Seach Engine Optimization Information
Search Engine Optimization InformationFor those of you in the web site design business, what document, guideline, book, whatever, did you find most useful for Search Engine Optimization (SEO)? Here is some quick advice: Always follow the Google webmaster guidelines Make sure you use a unique and descriptive title tag Make sure you...
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Don't Make These Mistakes in Your Search Engine Optimization
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) MistakesToo many companies fail in these incorrect assumptions about SEO when dealing with search engine optimization to get first page results. Rand Fishkin mentioned these two ways companies often incorrectly approach SEO. The biggest mistakes I see around SEO is that they consider it two ways, both of which...
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Why Your Tried-and-True Older Content is Losing You Traffic
Removing Dates in Google SERPsAround March of this year we saw decreased Google traffic coming to tried-and-true content that had brought us solid traffic for years. Things continued to decrease and we decided to investigate the cause. It appears that Google's use of dates in the SERPs had a markedly negative impact on our clickthrough...
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Search Engine Usage for 2010
2010 Search Engine StatisticsSearch engine usage and statistics for July 2010. The Nielsen Company reported their findings for July 2010. Here are their top results. Search Engine Percentage Google 64.2% Yahoo 14.3% Bing 13.6% AOL 1.9% Google has dropped almost another full percentage point...
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Long Tail of Search Statistics
Long Tail of SearchUnique search strings accounted for more traffic than all search strings that more than 100 people searched for combined (including keyword sets that had thousands of searches). To help explain this topic in more detail we will use this sample data. Keyword Set Number of Times Keyword Set was...
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2010 SEO and Website Predictions
SEO and Website Predictions2010 will be the year of shorter, more concise, and quicker information. I read SEOmoz's 8 predictions for SEO in 2010 and figured I'd make my own (some of which I total agree with SEOmoz. Conversion Rate Optimization will take off. After reading Call to Action by the Eisenberg brothers I was convinced....
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Search Engine Usage for 2009
Search Engine Statistics 2009Search engine usage is out for June 2009. The Nielsen Company reported search engine usage for June 2009. Here are their findings. Search Engine Percentage Google 66.1% Yahoo 16.2% Bing 8.8% AOL 3.0% Google is still the master of search and expanding its grasp...
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White Hat vs. Black Hat - High Risk and Low Risk Tactics
White Hat and Black Hat Tactics
At a recent SMX Conference, Matt Cutts (head of Google Web Spam) gave great examples of Black Hat and White Hat tactics as either high risk or low risk. Here are some blackhat/whitehat tactics and their relative risk factors: TopicHigh Risk"Black Hat Tactics"Low Risk"White Hat Tactics"...
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Search Engine Usage for 2008
Search Engine Statistics 2008
Nielson/Net Ratings has released new search engine statistics for May 2008. Google has increased its market share over the Nov 2007 search engine results we posted last year. Google pulled ahead a little farther from 57.7 to 59.3 for a 1.6% increase in market share. Google captured just over 4.7 billion...
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Search Engine Usage for 2007
Search Engine StatisticsNielson/Net Ratings has released new search engine statistics for Nov 2007. Google has really increased market share over the Feb 2006 search engine results we posted last year. Google jumped from 48.5 to 57.7 for a 9.2% increase in market share. Google captured just over 4.2 billion searches in Nov...
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Fresh Content Will Bring Spiders and People Back For More
Fresh Content for RankingsFresh content will bring spiders (and people) back to your site more often. How often you update your website is extremely critical to your success on the web. First and foremost, search engines loves fresh content. Let's take two sites that cover the same topic. Site A who updates their site every...
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Accurate Backlink Counter for Google and Yahoo
Counting BacklinksEasy way to get accurate backlink counts from Google and Yahoo. If you are a regular Google user and website owner, you know that the link: modifier doesn't give accurate results for the number of backlinks pointing at a site. In the good old days we'd go to and do a search with
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Top 10 Key Search Factors in 2007
Top 10 Key Search FactorsThere is a great discussion going on over at SearchEngineWatch about the "Top 10 Key Search Factors in 2007." The initial proposed list looks like this (with my comments after the topic):Content - As we've mentioned before Content is King. However, with so many social networks (digg, reddit,...
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SEO World Championship SEO Contest Begins
GlobalWarming Awareness2007 ContestWell there is another SEO contest going on, so we'll see how much SPAM comments start accumulating on discussion boards and blogs all over the world. This contest is for the keywords "globalwarming awareness2007 ". Those that rank highest on the big three (Google, Yahoo, and MSN) will...
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Business Week Article Shows SEO Increases Revenue
SEO Increases RevenuesJust another example of how realign/redesigning your website with SEO can increase revenue. While us in the SEO industry already know this little tidbit, it was nice to see an article written in Business Week about how SEO and a properly designed website can increase revenues. The redesign and search...
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Better Links for Better Ranking
Linking and Search EnginesThe type, authority, quality, and quantity of links that link to your site is critical to great search engine placement. The Internet is based on links. Plain and simple. That is why we call it the world wide web. Pages interlinking between hundreds and thousands of other pages creating an enormous web...
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Four Steps to a Better Ranking in the Search Engines
Better RankingsFour basic things you can do now to improve your search engine rankings on Google, Yahoo, and Bing. The single question I am asked more often than any other is, "How can I rank better in the search engines." While there are thousands of different things that people can do to rank well, we have found...
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Back to the Dark Ages of PageRank
White Hats Suffer in Recent Backlink UpdateThe June 2006 PageRank and Backlink update has left some white hat SEOs puzzled. Well another PageRank update has come and gone and unfortunately it took many links with it. We aren't sure yet (and Matt has yet to comment) as to the reason for this drop in the amount of pages displayed after using...
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Hand Picked SERPs from MSN
MSN Handcrafted ResultsForget algorithms, get hand picked results from MSN. Please take this post with a grain of salt. While in reality found on the MSN site, it is highly likely that this is completely fake. However.... if you can type 149 words a minute, and know how to code in php, we might want to talk to you...hehehe....
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Shoemoney SEO Contest
ShoemoneyShoemoney has thrown down the gauntlet to other SEOs and challenged them to dethrone him for the keyword "shoemoney". While this is just another SEO contest, Jeremy Schoemaker at Shoemoney has openly admitted that outranking him for #1 for the keyword shoemoney will be next to impossible....
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SERPs dying? Get Real.
SERPs Dead? Dying?Are the SERPs (Search Engine Results Page) dying? I recently read the article "Is the SERP going extinct" on Bruce Clay's Blog and it really made me think. As search engines like Google start using more and more "Personalized Search" options, are they going to start offering "personalized...
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Is Google Having a Machine Crisis? Get Real.
Machine Crisis - Servers FullIs Google having a server crisis. No way! Many people have been commenting on an article written by the New York Times where Eric Schmidt said, "Those machines are full. We have a huge machine crisis." Unfortunately, many of the blogs written about it are reading too much into a single, out-of-context...
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Are you in the 'Golden Triangle'
The Golden Triangle - Rank in the Top 3A recent eye tracking study shows that there is a "golden triangle" where 100% of searchers look when using search engines.After all the buzz about the importance and benefits of being on the first page of search results, we have even more evidence that being in the top three is even more important....
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