The Web Design Success Blog
Internet Marketing Tips
Custom URL or Vanity URL for Facebook Pages
Facebook Custom Address URLHow to add a custom "vanity url" to your facebook Pages page. Here is how Facebook describes Page usernames: “Usernames allow public entities to easily promote your presence on Facebook with a short URL. This username can be used in your marketing communications, company website and business...
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Online E-commerce done correctly
E-commerceOnline e-commerce done correctly. I was very impressed with Utrecht Art's confirmation page (and a few other nice things about the way they do their online shopping experience. Provide promo code on their site. (and had it prepopulate the promo code once you get to the checkout page) Best sellers...
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21 Things That Best Converting Websites Know That You Don't
Increase Conversion RatesTakeaways from Bryan Eisenberg's talk at SES London 2010. So what do the best converting websites have in common? Communicate unique value proposition – You have 7 seconds to persuade (or 8-10 seconds if you have really, really good content). Establish credibility on every landing page. Make...
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Web Marketing Basics - How to be Successful
4 Important Marketing Tips
Understanding basic marketing skills increases your effectiveness on the internet. There are many aspects that you need to consider in order to be successful on the web, but there are some primary marketing skills that are exceptionally important. Much of your success will come from where you focus...
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The Easy Way to Increase Website Revenue
Increase Conversion - Increase Revenue
Increase your website conversion rate first, and then focus on increasing traffic. Three primary ways to increase website revenue are mentioned in Call to Action: Increasing your conversion rate Increasing your merchandising Increasing traffic to your website The book mainly focuses on conversion,...
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Discover the Importance of Home Page Text
Relevant Words on the Home Page
Your customers are looking for specific and relevant keywords on every page including your homepage. There are many different features about your customers that can affect what they are looking for on a website and how they act. In order to increase conversions from your website, it is important to...
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Should Sound be Used on a Website?
Using Music and Sound on Websites
Sound and action words make your message more memorable. As put by the Eisenberg brothers in Call to Action, "Sound is invasive, intrusive, and irresistible." People have the ability to remember hundreds of songs and voices because they come into the brain through sound. Sounds tend to be remembered...
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What Every Website Owner Should Know about Headlines
Writing the Perfect HeadlineWriting great, compelling headlines is one of the most important skills of a copywriter.On average, 8 out of 10 people will read headline copy, but only 2 out of 10 will read the rest. This is the secret to the power of the headline, and why it so highly determines the effectiveness of the entire piece.While...
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Three Steps to a Great Website
Great Website in 3 StepsMatt Cutts' three step process to a great rankings in the search engines and success out of your website.I agree with Matt on his "3 step process" to getting better rankings in the search engines. There’s SEO and there’s QUALITY and there’s also finding the HOOK or angle...
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Refine Results in Google
Refine Results with OrionGoogle is testing a new way to refine results in their search engine results. People have reported seeing a new "refine results" option for Google searches. This new option appears to break down results into predefined categories and is using the Google "operator" of more:. Once...
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WIIFM - What's in it for me?
What's in it for ME and YOUWIIFM, What's in it for me, is the one FM station that every single person is tuned into. Every time you write for your customers, you should think about the customer's needs because they are really just looking for "What's in it for me" or WIIFM. Copywriting is critical to your success on...
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Review of Call to Action
Improving Online Marketing ResultsWhile full of good online marketing information, Call to Action is a not a book to sit down and read in an hour or two. Well after almost an entire year, I have finally finished "Call to Action" - Secret Formulas to Improve Online Results by Bryan and Jeffrey Eisenberg.Although packed full...
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Clarify Your Unique Value Proposition
Unique Value PropositionClarifying your unique value proposition will help increase your sales. What is your website's unique value proposition? In short, your unique value proposition answers the question, "Why should I buy from you and not from your competitor."Now, if you don't understand your customers, you...
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Good Business Practices
Good Business PracticeAnother reason to love businesses that are looking out for you.I'd like to compare two different companies and how they do business. About two years ago, I had a client that was controlling their own domain name through Network Solutions. Unfortunately, she let her domain registration lapse. When she...
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Increasing Conversion Rates through Search Engine Optimization
Customer Conversion RatesSearch engine optimization can directly increase your customer conversion rates. I've recently been reading "Call to Action" by Bryan and Jeffrey Eisenberg. So far they've really focused on increasing conversion rates without the need of increasing the number of "eyeballs" that view your site. I liked...
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Earning Customer Loyalty
Earning Customer LoyaltyTruly caring about your customers is the real key to earning customer loyalty. I recently read this blog on "The Easiest Way On Earth To Earn Fierce Customer Loyalty. And It's Free." I thought his list was pretty good for earning customer loyalty: following-up before they can calling to...
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Do you use these 7 copywriting steps
Copywriting TipsWriting great articles (copywriting) can be done in these seven simple steps. Say something that gets attention. Tell them why they should be interested. Tell them why they should believe what you are saying is true. Prove it is true. Itemize and describe...
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Opening and Closing the Sale
Ask Questions, Listen, Be PersistentAsking questions, listening, and being persistent can help you open and close more sales.Recently, my monitor blew up. Sparks, terrible smell, and then POOF. Darkness. I hurried and set up my "back up monitor", a dinky little monitor I have setting around for testing broken computers. It became...
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Taking the Time to Do Something Wrong
Worth DoingToo many people are so nervous that they are going to make a mistake that they let the world pass them by without really getting better. I recently read the following quote in The Wizard of Ads by Roy H. Williams. "Anything worth doing is worth doing badly until I've learned to do it better....
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If You Only Understood Your Customer's Personality Style
Personality StylesUnderstanding customer personality styles (Analytical, Driver, Amiable, and Expressive) will quickly tell you just how and what to say to each customer.Although every customer is different, most can be grouped into one of four groups: Analytical, Driver, Amiable, and Expressive. Here are some basic characteristics...
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Are You Really Listening to Your Customers?
Listening to Your CustomersWhen you listen to your customers, are you merely listening to their words, or are you listening for what they really mean? In order to truly understand your customers, you must learn to not listen to what they say, but rather to listen to what they mean. For example, when...
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Forget Political Correctness
Forget Political CorrectnessMuch of the meaning in a message can be missed because we try to be too politically correct. When I was in college, I had a business communications teacher that believed that a sentence was only good if it only had those words that were integral to the meaning of the sentence. All other words should...
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The Right Way to View Your Business
The Right Way to View Your BusinessWhy does someone visit your website, or more specifically, why is this customer visiting this page at this time? Every time you look at any of your marketing materials (print, web, etc.) I want you to take a moment to think about "why" this customer is taking time from their busy schedule to look...
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Has Customer Service Disappeared?
Customer ServiceAre you getting your money's worth or have you noticed that some businesses have lost their customer service? I hope that this is a rare occurrence but I find the following story very odd. Recently a friend of mine went to the dentist for a regular checkup and cleaning. Halfway through the cleaning...
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Integrated Marketing
Integrated MarketingIntegrated marketing is essential to getting a better return on investment (ROI). By integrating all marketing materials you can increase profits at very little expense. What is Integrated Marketing Integrated marketing is more than just having a consistent look and feel to all of your marketing...
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