Thank you very much after artigle. Very usefully. A long ago searched something similar in the Internet.
With kind regards,Liana
My pet peeve is "chasing the download". This is when a crafty webpage designer will make you go from link to link to link all which clearly say "download file"Seriously, this is NOT GOING TO MAKE ME WANT TO BUY OR EVEN LOOK AT THE OTHER JUNK!!!!
Extremely useful information. The simple things are often the most important.
Thank you very much for writting this article. I am in the process of writting a website which will allow musicians to create an acount inwhich they can have their songs posted and information about them and their band on it in order to help them spread their name and receive feedback on their music. The probalem i found was would someone take my site seriously when it first starts out. I figured the more credible it was and the more beleivable it was the better it would grow. This article has helped me tremendously and will hopefully improve my site. Thank you again and i would reccomend this article to anyone who plans to create a website.
With kind regards,Liana